Sunday, December 18, 2016


It's been a hot second since I wrote on this blog. Well, I'm back. I am now at the end of my stay, with only three days left in this dreamy land, Strasbourg, the "Capitale de Noël." It's rather an odd feeling that prevails though. Mixed emotions of excitement that create a foggy barrier to my emotions of sadness for leaving what I consider, my third home. It has only been four months, nevertheless I feel as though when I leave, I will miss this place in a way I can't imagine now. That tends to happen, you know? Missing something you no longer have, a feeling that seems almost impossible to disregard once you no longer possess that "something" that was of such substantial value to you.

Thought of the day

Take a closer look at your blessings, start counting them, as boring as it seems. The better you will start to feel, the more alive and worthy you will walk on this planet. I learn more and more about myself when writing these thoughts on a piece of paper or on a blank screen, I suggest you give it a try as well if you haven't done so already. It gathers my stray thoughts, and it helps me enforce these goals and pieces of advice for myself as well. I am not assigning myself the role of giving everyone advice, but I would rejoice knowing I impacted at least one person, and if didn't impact anyone it's alright because my purpose is also to help myself. I do this because it's something I enjoy doing, being positive and having hope in oneself, and if it helps someone than its two birds in one stone.

Have a great Sunday!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

What a nice tragedy

It has been quite the life these past few days. As I mentioned before, I am abroad in France until the end of December for studies. I love this place regardless of what happened to me, but man! So, my iPhone 6 Plus was stolen last Wednesday night, but the thing is that it was stolen right out of my hand! haha, what in the world right?

Casual evening, I had just hung out with my friends. I ride the tram to get back to my dorm, and when I get off the tram, I literally walk around a block and a half, when out of nowhere these two guys pop out of the dark and approach me. Now, keep in mind that it is kind of late, on a week day. I was literally across the street from one of my university's buildings, a building that on the other side of it, is across the street from my dorm.

Anyway, I am jamming to my music, and these two guys start speaking french to me, so I pull my phone out and pause my music. I immediately recognize these guys, and start saying how I remember them from the other day. Around the corner is a Kebab restaurant and I had seen them in front of the restaurant. I told them I remembered them from the other day by the Kebab, but I believe they didn't understand me, just like I didn't understand what they were saying to me in that moment. I believe they wanted to sell me drugs, but I was not sure. Note, this whole time my phone was in my hand. During this little one minute interaction with no comprehension between both parties, one of the guys, quickly and unexpectedly snatches my phone out of my hand and starts sprinting.

This moment was very shocking and confusing to me because I thought these guys were just regular high school/college kids that lived around the area, but I was wrong, and was not careful enough. He snatched the phone out of my hand and I looked up, and he was across the street sprinting away. I immediately for some reason reacted some what fast, and I started sprinting and chasing him down the road. I was able to chase him for around four blocks, but I ended up losing him. When I turned the corner on a street, he was not there anymore. This whole time, I was in jeans, wearing sperrys that were almost falling out of my feet, and had a huge jacket on. Not to mention the fact that I had just finished drinking with my friends.

I put my phone on lost mode as soon as I got into my dorm, I also went to the police, but not much luck so far. Nevertheless, even though it was a sad, and very upsetting event, I have taken a good approach to this situation. Yes, I don't have a phone to communicate with people from anywhere, nor can I take pictures, or be on snapchat, etc. I also lost all my pictures coming from two years back, as well as my music material, and honestly I just lost so much personal information, that I stupidly never backed up. This is all a tragedy, but it is a relief simultaneously because I get to detach myself from this device that almost seemed like part of my body. I feel more free and connected with life around me when I walk, or when I hang out with people. Yes, I will soon get another phone, but this period without a phone has really made me think about how I should enjoy the things around me, and forget about my phone when I truly don't need it. Sometimes you should listen to what people are thinking, take a glance and not a picture, listen to the birds not the music through your earphones, talk to the person in front of you
and not the one on the screen.

Embrace your difficult moments, battle your negative emotions, and turn that into fuel to light up hope inside of you. To come out as a stronger person with thicker skin, better prepared for the hardships of life. More optimistic, and as a stronger leader who knows how to stand up after she/he has fallen. There is always a bright side in life, you just have to turn your heart towards it.

Happy Tuesday, be careful and don't let people steal your phone!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My music, my life

Excuses is what it sounds like. "It's an artistic mind, something too difficult to pursue, something too unstable, and with great difficulty when predicting its success" Then they say, "Instead of music why don't you focus on something else, get a college degree, and just get a good job afterwards." That sounds like a smart way of life, but it's music what I truly desire. So what do I do? When my music is small, nothing but a guitar, a voice, and a piano? Exactly that! that, is what I do, because that is all I truly need. Being abroad is difficult though, because I lack all the instruments, and the approval to sing in my tiny dorm where everyone can hear everything. Nevertheless, when I am back in the States I will continue to pursue this dream. I feel like this field is the field where I genuinely feel happy, feel alive, feel like I could do it forever. Out of all the talents I posses, this one gives me a sense of direction in my life.

For the past five years I have been from one side to the other trying to figure out what my vocation, or simply what my degree will be. I've gone from architect, to graphic designer, to psychologist, to social worker, to human resources, to entrepreneur/business owner, to writer, to musician, to who knows what. Which one is it going to be? Entrepreneurship, communication, and music are my solids. It makes sense, and I am happy I boiled it down to those. Today I am a student working on a communication studies major, and a minor in business, while pursuing my music on the side. All there is left to do, is go very hard, give it my all.

As much negativity I get from other people, parents, friends, girlfriend, professors, society, I will never give up on my music, no matter if it never goes anywhere. No matter if it doesn't generate any money, my heart will always feel alive in this place. I love it, and as cliché as it sounds, that is what matters in the end. What ever it is that you are sure you love, keep working on it, it does not matter if it doesn't seem to have potential for a career in life, or to generate any revenue, just do it, at least as a side activity. You owe it to yourself. Do yourself a favor, treat yourself, do what makes you happy, what makes you smile, what makes you feel like life is actually a beautiful adventure. An adventure where the camera is always rolling. An adventure where you are given a set of time, in a pool of 7 billion people, with each moment passing by never to return again, and infinite opportunities left and right. Let it motivate you to accept the things you cannot change. Use that motivation, and allow it to burn a desire to change the habits that are holding you back from becoming the amazing you that is so eager to show the world what he/she is made of.

Happy Thursday and thank you for reading!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Europe cheat sheet

Traveling to and Through Europe

I am a student at Texas State University, currently studying in Strasbourg, France. My suggestions are therefore going to be more applicable, and related to areas near this city. Nevertheless there are countless short cuts I could have really benefited from if I heard about them before traveling this way. 

First off you need to hop on a plane and get over here, but even if you book your flight months and months before your departure, the price will be expensive. Possibly between $1200-$3000, from any part of the U.S. to Europe with multiple connections. That was definitely a problem for me, luckily my sister had been abroad many times in Europe, and somehow, almost through magic, found me a flight there and back for $800, with less than a month until departure and with no connections between flights. 

My advice from what I learned is to find an airline from the country where you are traveling to, or the country next to it. Go on their website and search for one way flights and also returns, comparing both prices. Also compare the prices on different dates, even if they are one day after or before, it can make a huge difference. If you want to save more money, sometimes the cities near your final destination could end up costing a more decent price than your final destination. I will discuss the easiest and also the cheapest types of transportation in Europe later on. Doing this type of research will obviously not guarantee a cheap flight, but it will definitely increase your chances of finding a suitable one if you are trying to save money. 

When I got to Europe, I arrived in Frankfurt, Germany. I had to take a train to Strasbourg, which cost me around 70-80 euros for a two hour trip. It didn't seem too bad, but being in Strasbourg for a split second taught me that there are significantly cheaper ways of getting to your destination. Your options are: plane, train, bus, car ride, and renting a car. The most affordable options are car rides, and buses, depending on the situation. Most of the time though, the car rides are the cheapest and most comfortable option. Bus rides usually take twice as long as a car ride, and you have to ride with many people. There are several car ride businesses, but the only one I truly invested in was "BlaBlaCar." The rides are done by people who are simply travelling to a certain destination in Europe. They offer a ride on the website. When you finished booking your ride, they will pick you up and drop you off on the specified date, and at the agreed location. The prices for BlaBlaCar usually vary between 8 euros to around 50 euros.

The transportation you will want to take within the city will depend on whether you are simply visiting, staying a while, location, and weather among other things. I will write another blog soon regarding the ups and downs, and the factors involved in each of the types of transportation available.

Thursday, October 20, 2016


First post ever

I will start this off with a clean version of a poem I wrote. Simple and meaningful seems like a decent way to start this ride.